Thursday, May 31, 2007

More Sensational Socks.....

..arrived yesterday on my desk. It looks complicated and needs further investigation but I am revelling in having a new book to work from.

The Oak Ribbed socks are coming along very slowly. I've been somewhat distracted by this book. It's fabulous but it's really eating into my knitting time....

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Monkey socks finished

Here are finished Monkey socks from Cookie A. They worked up really quickly and the yarn was perfect...

Conwy finished

Conwy finished 1
Originally uploaded by charleyfarleypie
Conwy socks are finished for Kev. They fit him perfectly and I am a little jealous. It's only the delivery of More Sensational Socks by Charlene Schurch which is keeping me going!

Anna socks finished

Anna socks finished
Originally uploaded by charleyfarleypie
Finally Anna socks are finished and the pics are taken.
These were really nice to knit and I really like the way the yarn has pooled into stripes. Bring on Glastonbury to wear them!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.