At last all the Christmas decorations are down and the place is looking normal again, except for the spare room which is in dire need of a sorting out. Not tonight though.
There is one cat who is loathe to see the end of the holiday season with it's new smells and visitors. As you can see by the picture she was definitely sad to see the back of the tree when we took it down last weekend.
I've finished the Spey Valley socks and they fit a dream. I must say though I was rather flummoxed by the ending instructions for the braid stitch and sort of winged it. It worked on the second sock but not on the first. On the first all the rib was one stitch out of line which looks odd but which K says no-one would notice but me!
Next on the needles is a pair of gloves for K in Sophia Cashmere 4ply sock yarn from Posh. This is so soft - I haven't knit with it before but it was the perfect choice for gloves - really warm but also so soft on the hands.
Here's a pic of them so far:

The red stitching is where the thumbhole will be eventually. He hasn't tried them yet and I hope they fit. I might get him to try them before I go any further in case I have to rip them back. Which also gives me the excuse to cast on a new pair of socks. Tee hee!