Saturday, February 02, 2008

Finally managed to take some photos so here is an update of where I am at with my current WIPs

1. My So Called Scarf
I ripped this back. The scarf was too light and floaty for the pattern. I really liked the pattern though so I might make it in another yarn,

2. Birgit Socks
I've finished one sock but the needle size was so small it was making my fingers ache! Have set this to one side but will finish the second sock eventually.

3. Denmark Socks
Finished one sock and nearly turning the heel on the second one. I LOVE this colour. It's "Cornucopia" from Posh Yarn. I've had it in my stash for over a year and kept umming and ahhing about it but now I've used it I really love it!

4. Keyhole Top
On hold but only have the back to finish

5. Charleston
On hold. Again. All that beadwork need real concentration and I don't have that at the moment.

6. Juliet Cardigan
I am determined to finish this this week...

Here are some pics of Brigit and Denmark....

I've been extra slack recently - many apologies! I started a new job and have not really been knitting that much.

I did however manage to finish one Denmark sock and a Koolhaas hat.

I have pictures of the Koolhaas hat. Promise I will take some of the socks over the weekend.

Also I have finally posted out the socks for Pay it Forward to Lisa at Native Knits - Lisa let me know if you don't receive them in th next week or so!