Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The great news is that the new job is an hour closer to home which means that I can get home an hour before K goes to work and we can even eat together in the evening. It will make a big difference to my quality of life (hopefully providing me with even more knitting time) (10 hours a week is a pair of socks!).
So congratulations to me!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
It's really mindless boring knitting though so I picked up the needles for Charleston again last night. I've finished the straps on one side and have the other front side to match and then it's onto the front. Since I started Charleston earlier this year I've knitted more lace things so I am hoping I will be able to read the pattern a bit better for the back. Why don't Rowan ever include charts for lace?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
1. I can't ride a bike. I've tried countless times to learn but really I have absolutely no balance or co-ordination. Two things I think are very necessary for this.
2. I've had chicken pox twice. Very rare apparently.
3. I eat Marmite from the pot. It's...just...sooo....good. Most people think that is just disgusting rather than weird.
4. Despite having passed my driving test in 1993 I haven't driven a car since. Except the trip back from the test centre (and that was with my instructor).
5. Until I was 18 I bit my nails to the quick. Then suddenly I just stopped. To this day I have no idea why I stopped.
6. I have completely flat feet. No arches at all.
7. I had an imaginary friend called Rebecca until I was 5. We did everything together. My parents even had to lay a place at the table for her and put food on a plate for her at all meals.
So there you go. Definitely weird.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
I put it all down to the amount of travelling I do to get to work. My job is near Heathrow and I live in North East London. To anyone that isn't aware of London geography, that is a REALLY LONG WAY. It takes me 2 tubes, a train and a bus to get to work (approximately 1hr 45 each way each day). K and I worked it out on Friday night: in the 4.5 years I've worked this job I've spent something like 6 complete months travelling. There's the potential to pick up alot of bugs there..... It's definitely time for a change. I have something in the works that hopefully I'll be able to share with you later this week.

I have been putting this sick time to good use of course and have nearly finished Sadie!! Gasps all round I am sure. I have half of one arm to finish and then just the seaming up of the arms and attaching the arms to the body. I can't believe I waited this long to finish this, It's been on the needles for nearly a year - just goes to show what a procrastinator I am!
I also finished a Le Slouch for my mum as she was admiring mine during her visit last weekend. It's a wonderful colour - it really "pops" and I'm sure she'll love it.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
I am sick again today so more socks on the needles and blackberry at hand. Luckily it's Thanksgiving in the US today so I don't expect to be too bothered by e-mails and I have tomorrow as holiday as my folks are coming to stay.
I knitted all of the sock you see here this morning. which is really good progress I think. hopefully I can get this done by the end of today. I'm itching to finish up Charleston!
I also had a little helper today although I'm not sure what she was helping with.... Sleeping? Being fluffy?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Here is some eye candy:
These are the no tears socks for pay it forward. The yarn is such a beautiful colour - I can't believe I waited so long to use it!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sadie and Charleston
I have two projects that have been on the needles for a while, languishing in my half finished objects box waiting for me to get on with them.
Sadie - from Rowan 39 - knit in Rowan Wool Cotton (colourway Misty)
I have one sleeve left of this to knit. It's actually quite a quick pattern - the sleeve is only one ball of wool.
Charleston - lacy camisole with beads also from one of the Rowan magazines. I ran out of beads on this months ago and have been rather slack at picking some up. Finally I have some.
I'd like to finish these two by Christmas. There is really no reason why they aren't already finished except my general procrastination!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Spectacular failure!
Finished the Embossed Leaves socks and made some progress on the No Tears socks for "Pay it Forward". Pics to follow later this week!
I still don't have details for Jeanette and Helen who posted on the Pay it Forward post. Can you comment again and let me know your e-mail addresses so that I can contact you to arrange sending you your gifts.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It would be good to know who you are though so today is declared "Delurk Day"! If you are reading the blog today please drop me a comment and say hi. I've found some of the regular blogs I read through comments on other peoples blogs. It's always great to see what other people are working on or writing about. It definitely gives me inspiration for furture projects and blog posts.
Monday, November 12, 2007
No Tears Socks for Pay it Forward
Sunday, November 11, 2007
There is nothing like it....
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Living For The Weekend
Weekends rock!
Friday, November 09, 2007
This is the yarn I have picked for my first Pay/Knit it Forward socks. It's a lovely soft yarn and Lisa expressed a liking for warm colours so it ticks that box too.
Now to find the perfect pattern...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Finish what I started

I knitted this sock in Greece on holiday this year and thought I didn't have enough wool left to finish the second one. I actually weighed the ball that was left today and guess what? I have over 60g left. Plenty to finish the second sock. So I cast on for it.
I've also picked out the yarn for my first pay it forward item but not the pattern yet.....
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
All full!
Helen and Jeanette
Thank you ladies!
Jeanette - I don't have any details for you. Can you comment again with your details or e-mail me at harris_charlotte@hotmail.com with your address so I can send you out your item?
Spread the Love
There are still two spaces left if anyone is interested. Sign up to any of the posts and I'll contact you for shipping details. Remember if you sign up you have to add the pay it forward to your own blog. It's all about spreading the knitting love.....
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
No interest
I finished one of the Kaffe Fassett socks. The heel is very very odd on them. Pics to come....
Monday, November 05, 2007
Pay It Forward
One good thing I did today is sign up on this. The first three people to comment on this post will receive a knitted item from me within 6 months.
Don't all rush at once ;)
Sunday, November 04, 2007
A weekend's work
Here are my plain socks knitted in one of the Kaffe Fassett colourways for Regia. The yarn is actually really nice to knit with, quite smooth on the needles and I love the colour combinations and different sizes of stripe. I also bought this wool in a blue colourway and think this plain non-fussy pattern is perfect (it's Gentleman's Plain Winter Socks from Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks).
Today was a fairly productive Sunday - we got up early and came back from Surbiton before lunch. As the sun was out I went out and did the final preparations in the garden for the winter - mowing the lawn one last time, pruning the plum tree and moving my herb pots closer to the back door so I don't have to venture out to far when cooking!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Stripy socks
Friday, November 02, 2007
Finished Friday Harbor
I still haven't written any thing in The Book.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
My new life
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happiness is...
Not planning projects, yarn or designs but really thinking about what this "hobby" means to me and if I want to take it further and make it more of my life than it really is.
I recently went to a talk by Karren Brady, Managing Director of Birmingham Football Club which was called "Playing To Win", the name also of her current book. She said - "Work is only work if you would rather be doing something else"; she takes no sick time and hardly any holiday and is by all accounts a business superwoman. Well, quite frankly, I would rather be doing something else when I am at work the only problem is I am not sure what yet.
What I do know is that for me knitting is pure happiness. The big question is, however, is that because I do it in my spare time and it's something that I choose to do? Would it be pure happiness if knitting, yarn, needles, patterns etc. were my life's work?
I've never thought I was a creative person. I failed miserably at art at school, can't draw for toffee. The job I do is in a creative industry but it's a logical methodical job. Funnily enough, I only got back into knitting in the last 2 years after a 15 year hiatus because it helped me give up smoking! Having said all of that I do think that what I do is creative in it's own way and I want to do more of it.
Now I am more confused than ever..... I need someone to point me in the right direction... Is anyone out there??
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
One down, one to go
Also finished sock 1 of the Gentleman's Evening Sock and started on the second one. This patttern is pretty slow going as it's such a HUGE sock. I also swapped halfway through to new DPNs but they are faux ivory and are so wobbly and bendy that I might have to swap back to the metal ones. They're making my hands ache!
Pomatomus Blue Finished
Finally finished Pomatomus Blue! I have to say I didn't really pay much attention to the pattern on this. I got a bit know-it-all and in some places they are a bit wonky but I love them anyway.
I forgot how great Lucia is to knit with - so smooth and silky on the needles and the colour is fantastic.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Norf London
Tickets arrived today for the Kntting and Stitching Show in a couple of weekends time at Alexandra Palace. Normally the only time I go there in the year is for the huge fireworks display they hold there every year. It's always chaos on that evening - with everyone jostling for the best view around the trees that have inconviently grown up in the way - but despite the chaos, it's the best fireworks display in North London. Not only that you can also see all the other displays South of the Palace streatching all the way to Croydon.
I have finished the first Pomatomus sock and started on the second before I get second sock syndrome. I find that if I can get to the heel turn before I get bored then it's all good and the sock will be finished. If not then there is no hope for it! This pattern is quick to knit up so I hope to be able to finish these this week and then move back onto the Gentleman's socks (still have the second one to do).
This shows the sock in it's true colours.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Not Enough
The upshot is that I have no inspiration for this yarn now - it's a lovely rich colour and I want to make something to wear for the autumn but I am stuck in a rut!!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Clessidra Stockings

Cast on for the Clessidra stockings and ended up knitting all the way to the first decrease round. It's wonderful to see the cables appearing before your eyes. As always I am worried that I won't have enough wool to complete the project but I am ploughing on regardless and using slightly smaller needles than the pattern calls for hoping this will compensate... Why don't I just swatch before I begin??? I am also really loving the colour of this Emily yarn - its a rich purple and pink - a perfect choice for this pattern I think.
Molly was (as always) enjoying sitting RIGHT on top of my pattern - why does she always have to sit on whatever I am trying to read?
Friday, September 07, 2007
Bayerische and Lime Finished!
Another great thing was that they only took one skein of Lucia so I have another skein of this Zingy colourway to make another pair of socks!
Cast on for the Clessidra Stockings in Emily Soprano and all is going well - just set up the pattern. Pics to come!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Bayerische socks are comimg along a treat - I really like this pattern - it makes you think but is very soothing at the same time. Working the tiny cables are very satisfying in their own way and the yarn is (yet again) lovely.
I've also started thinking about the Clessidra socks. Have the yarn (more Lucia) earmarked and have the pattern in front of me. Question is: Will I acutally get any work done today :)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Molly and the Frog
What a beautiful bank holiday weekend! It's so lovely to have some time off and I am determined to finish the first Bayerische sock. Trying to stay away from the Posh Yarn sale today but the lovely colours up there keep calling me back.
And on a non-knitting note - Molly found a frog in the garden yesterday and bothered it until it croaked off into the pond - at least it's safe there!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Bayerische and Lime
Popped into a new (ish) yarn shop in Kingly Court on the weekend called "all the fun of the fair". Really small but lovely with the cutest knitted cupcakes! Bought two skeins of Opal sock yarn - I like to support!
Everyday a new mag seems to pop through the door so I am busy planning my winter projects :) Loving the "Tilted Duster" and "Luna" dress from Interweave Knits.
Also taking delivery tomorrow of my new Apple Macbook tomorrow - too excited! I actually had a dream about it last night :)
Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007
Back to reality
Here's the view from our balcony

And the beach:

I also managed to get some projects finished while I was there (well one actually finished).
Forest Canopy Shawl in Posh Yarn Emily

Quick to knit and in the Stormy Sea colour way will be great for the winter as a scarf. I did cause a bit of a kerfuffle around the pool though when I got my needles out. It seems people are intrigued by someone under the age of sixty knitting! I got to educate a few people on the "hipness" of knitting!
Also started and finished one of these Embossed Leaves socks in Vixen Lucia.

Problem was that the first sock took alot more yarn than 50g. Maybe my gauge was completly off. I finished the first sock in any case just to see the pattern emerge.
Next up I am finally going to finish Sadie and the Charleston. But not until after I've been to the shops. Procrastinate? Moi?!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Somewhere in a field in Somerset
It is good though to be home in the dry and to be clean.
4 more working days until Greece! Bring it on...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
"Working from home"
Monday, June 18, 2007
I have plans to make this with some purple Debbie Bliss Cathay in Purple. Will it work out??
Friday, June 15, 2007
Blue Jay-walkers in progress
Finally finished the Oak Ribbed socks - see Ravelry for the FO picture- and started some blue Jaywalkers in Socka Fortissima Cotton. Not sure I like this wool but it is washable at 40 degrees and I am certain they will be very nice when finished. The colour in this pic hasn't come out completely right - they are "whiter" than this (if that makes sense).
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Manna from Heaven
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Nearly done
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Stairs of justice
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Allons enfants.....
We are off tomorrow to Burgandy for the wedding of a good friend. Well technically they are already married as marriage in France is a complicated business - you have to live there for weeks and have a blood test etc etc so the happy couple already married in Dublin last week.
We are staying here and they are marrying here. Simply beautiful. I've never really been to France for any real amount of time. A brief weekend staying with friends in Paris years ago when we were all at university and a couple of French exchanges at school so I'm looking forward to dusting off my francais.
We're travelling by Eurostar to Paris and then another train down which is all very knitting friendly - hours to knit and no issue with needles. YAY!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Oak Ribbed Sock #1
One down one to go! Here is the first Oak Ribbed sock. It looks quite garish just staring up at you from the page but when you put it on the colours really work. I was struck by SSS (second sock syndrome) and was comtemplating not finishing the second but it was such an easy knit it seemed churlish not to finish the pair.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Completely unrelated
Thursday, May 31, 2007
More Sensational Socks.....
The Oak Ribbed socks are coming along very slowly. I've been somewhat distracted by this book. It's fabulous but it's really eating into my knitting time....
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monkey socks finished
Conwy finished
Anna socks finished
These were really nice to knit and I really like the way the yarn has pooled into stripes. Bring on Glastonbury to wear them!
Monday, April 30, 2007
In the zone
Beautiful weather at the moment also means the garden is the place to be! Roll on Bank Holiday weekend...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Summer comes...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Finished projects!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I just can't resist...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
In the beginning there was blog...

and the blog was good...or not. I've decided, as a New Year's resolution, more than anything to start a blog. i've enjoyed reading so many really good blogs over the last year that I thought maybe it was time to give something back to the blog world and write my own. No longer will I lurk!
This blog will mainly be about knitting and such (as that is my passion) but I'll probably add some more interesting (to me!) stuff in as time goes on.
My first New Year's resolution was to take a picture a day but I only really started yesterday and my camera wasn't charged so here is my first piccie. Grumperina's Jaywalker in Dee's lovely yarn from Posh Yarn.
Just realised that I really need to sort out the shelf below my coffee table!