Monday, December 17, 2007

Keyhole Top
Originally uploaded by charleyfarleypie
This is how far I have gone with the Keyhole Top. In fact after I took this pic I finished the front completely.

It's really mindless boring knitting though so I picked up the needles for Charleston again last night. I've finished the straps on one side and have the other front side to match and then it's onto the front. Since I started Charleston earlier this year I've knitted more lace things so I am hoping I will be able to read the pattern a bit better for the back. Why don't Rowan ever include charts for lace?

1 comment:

florencemary said...

hi CharleyFarley

Thanks for taking part in my quiz! Your knits look great, and have reminded me that I must have a go at the Embossed socks pattern.

Btw, I also have a thang about Marmite...