Monday, November 05, 2007

Pay It Forward

I am having one of THOSE days today. You know the ones where everything seems like no fun at all and you just want it to end because you KNOW tomorrow will be better.

One good thing I did today is sign up on this. The first three people to comment on this post will receive a knitted item from me within 6 months.

Don't all rush at once ;)


Anonymous said...

I thought for sure that there would be a TON of comments!! I'm willing to pay it forward, that's what life is about right? This is a GREAT idea.


Helen said...

Absolutely. I try to do this anyway, and it makes life seem a much brighter place! Fabulous idea!

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea, do please count me in. And keep dreaming that dream.... Jeannette

Anonymous said...

I' already in, but I thought I'd drop you a line to say how pleased I am to see more people in. I found your blog through your comments on Ravelry.